Das neue VACUU·SELECT Benutzermanagement ermöglicht erstmals eine individuelle Rechtevergabe.

Registration & activation

Request license code / license file for function extension

The license code and the license file for unlocking the VACUU·SELECT function extension is linked to the serial number and the manufacturing date of the controller. By entering a valid authorization code, you can request the license code and the license file via the following form.

Please have the following information ready:

  • Authorization code (You will receive this code from us or one of our distribution partners when you order the VACUU·SELECT function extension. The code is not bound to a specific device. However, it can only be used once to request the license file / license code)
  • Serial number of the VACUU·SELECT controller (Not the serial number of the pumping unit! You can find this in the controller menu under Service > Device Information)
  • Manufacturing date of the VACUU·SELECT controller (you can find this in the controller menu under Service > Device Information)

You can find instructions for activating the function extension here

If you would like to unlock a larger number of devices or have any other questions, send us a request:


Request code

Mandatory device information to request license files / license codes:

You will receive this code from us or one of our distribution partners when you order the VACUU·SELECT function extension. The code is not bound to a specific device. However, it can only be used once to request the license file / license code.

If you want to request license codes for additional devices, send the serial number, manufacturing date and authorization code for each device via the following text field:

Les champs marqués d'un * sont obligatoires.

En soumettant le questionnaire contact, vous êtes d’accord avec le processus de gestion des données mis en place pour répondre à votre demande plus d’informations sur cela et sur le mode d’arrêt et d’annulation peuvent être trouvés dans nos droits à la confidentialité.


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